Extended Executive Alignment Coaching Track©
To align your top 30 leaders with your strategy
- Lead by the CEO, facilitated and guided by the Amaseu team
- Focus on Purpose and strategy alignment in order to accelerate business transformation
- Mix of e-coaching and real life coaching and guidance
- Ending with a 3-day/2-night leadership course (after Covid-restrictions)
- Different amazing locations
- Group size max. 30 people
- Including (online) intake for all participants
Your Team
- A personal client partner
- Personal coaching and guidance by the CEO
A team of experiencedfacilitators, guides, and location managers
- 3 months online coaching
- And a 3-day/2-night course
- Contact our People Transformation Specialists for more information.
Looking for a custom track?
Are you looking for a meaningful approach to organizational transformation that empowers
people and unites organizations around their strategies? We’re here to help.