352 Transformation is a comprehensive program, designed by Amaseu, that gets all employees involved in shaping your company’s destiny. It provides practical solutions for people development in line with your strategy – and is a framework for an enduring, high-performance culture. It gets its name because the program covers 3 stages, with 5 target groups, using 2 transformation tools.

Stages of development
Behavioural development takes time. And repetition is the master of all skills. The different stages of our transformation program build on each other. Step by step, we allow people to become aware of how they act and define their development direction in line with the strategic needs of your company.
Stage 1: opening up
During the first phase of this transformation process, we invite people to connect, focus and get involved. They can speak their mind and discuss aspects of their personality and attitude without fear of ridicule or recrimination. They establish trust. Address personal leadership. Celebrate individualism. This energises them, and makes them feel connected and positive.

Stage 2: stretching and deepening
During stretching and deepening, participants discover just how far they can go. The value of practice and repetition is emphasised. It’s no longer about involvement, but commitment. The emphasis shifts from personal to team leadership. New boundaries are defined. Healthy and constructive challenge becomes the norm. Old behaviour is gently but irreversibly left behind, dissolving like sugar in water.

Stage 3: full impact
In the third phase, the message is crystal-clear; don’t hold back! Your people should be aiming to make a difference all the time; in every situation, in everything they do. Both on a personal and professional level, they are preparing for peak performance. By now, all the necessary systems should be in place. The engine is tuned. Time to push the pedal to the floor.

Forging personal paths to organizational change

Key stakeholders
When it comes to properly implementing your strategy, driving cultural transformation or re-energising your business, we have a simple philosophy: everyone is invited. In other words, to achieve peak performance throughout your organisation, you have to involve all employees. We have defined five distinct groups in this.
1. Executive committee
You and your executive board or MT are usually the starting point for every successful transformation. You’ll be in the lead, together with the other members of this team. One of your main roles is to provide guidance and inspiration for the other four groups.

2. Senior leadership team
The second tier of the company, typically your top 50, 75 or 100 leaders. These people are crucial in cascading new ways of thinking further down through the organisational structure. They are also the crucial link between the strategic direction set by the executive committee and the more tactical planning required to roll it out to a wider audience.

3. Team leaders
This is often approximately 10% of your organisation. Lasting transformation cannot be achieved without the buy-in of this layer. They are ideally suited to translate tactical plans into daily responsibilities and tasks. They therefore have a key role in ensuring a smooth transformation as well as in ultimately implementing necessary change measures.

4. Talents
This is your future leadership pool. They have to understand, adopt and genuinely feel what the transformation is about. Involving them as a group, and in an early stage, accelerates progress, makes it more sustainable, and embeds the new direction in their thoughts and actions.

5. Everyone
Each and every one of your employees needs to feel genuinely engaged and to become aware of her/his personal contribution to your (new) strategy, culture and objectives. Involving everyone creates an unstoppable movement and ensures that all parts of your organisation are rowing in the same direction.

Unique programs
Our transformation programs have two distinct components: on- and off-line journeys.
Off-line journeys
Our physical ‘off-line’ journeys are behavioural development accelerators. In a very short space of time, your people will undergo profound transformation, in line with your strategy. They connect to themselves and others on a fundamental level, going above and beyond what they previously thought was possible. They discover how to become authentic and original leaders, who have the courage and clarity to drive change throughout your organisation. The extraordinary environments and situations they find themselves in leave them energised, liberated, enlightened and ready to take on the world. What they learn and experience in less than a week – about your company’s goals and their own potential – often lasts a lifetime.

On-line journeys
On-line journeys have two main purposes. The first is to continue the development of people who have been on physical journeys, for example by helping them practice and cement new behaviours, open up to colleagues and harness the genius of the team. The second is to enable everyone in your organisation to participate in the transformation process. Through our digital platform, people in all corners of your organisation can contribute, learn, develop and grow. In this way you create unity and clarity, while turning your workforce into an unstoppable force for bringing your strategy to life.
Both types of journey are scalable and scripted. They can be applied to any size of group, because the process has been clearly defined and documented. We provide you with whatever guidance and support you need in implementing these journeys, although we have specifically designed them so you take the lead.

Get in touch with Amaseu
Are you looking for a meaningful approach to organizational transformation that empowers
people and unites organizations around their strategies? We’re here to help.